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"Pink dream"

canvas, UV-paints, texture gel, varnish, custom size
(original size 50x60 cm)
In stock
Location: Saint-Petersburg

I consider a rose to be the Queen of all flowers, the main flower in the Universe. When you look at it attentively for a long time, your imagination takes you to higher spheres, where Angels live. I compare petals of the rose with Angels' clothes, weightless and tender. Depicting the rose in the painting, I unwillingly imagine these higher spheres, which exist in our fantasies.
In the picture you are able to create the sensation of sleep, intentionally modeling it. And this state of dreaming I have captured on the canvas.(without correction)


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Picture "Pink dream"
Execution: canvas, UV-paints, texture gel, varnish, custom size
Sizes (HхW): x cm
I agree with the terms of execution

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