The idea of this painting goes back to my faraway childhood when I first heard the word Almighty... Pondering on this theme, my mind gave rise to different images about something great beyond my comprehension. There are plenty of worlds in the vast Universe, and our world, like many others, hangs by a thread of Fate in the hands of the Almighty. Human life is a small model of the Universe and it is also in the hands of the Creator by the analogy with the whole world. We can only live so that this hair does not break before the appointed time. However, it's for the Almighty to decide.
‘By what do you want me to swear?’ - the unbound man asked, very animated.
‘Well, let’s say, by your life.’ the Procurator replied, ‘It's high time you swore by it, since it is hanging by a hair, you must know that!’
‘You don’t think it was you who hung it, Hegemon?’ the prisoner asked. ‘If so, you are very mistaken.’
Pilate gave a start and replied through his teeth:
‘I can cut that hair.’
‘In that, too, you are mistaken,’ the prisoner retorted, smiling brightly and shielding himself from the sun with his hand. ‘You must agree that surely only he who hung it can cut this hair?’
M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
The order is carried from 3 weeks to 1 month, depending on the complexity + shipping time. Technically it is done in the following way: after making a request you receive our approval and make a down payment (25% of the total price), after which the artist proceeds to work. When the painting is completed, we send a photo of the art work (front and back) which contains the title of the work, date of completion, and the artist’s signature. After receiving the remaining sum, we ship the painting to the address you have provided us. Please note that the cost of the frame is not included in the price.